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The Fool
With a cronic love for anything "out of the ordinary" I babble on about life's little ups and downs.
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An*Tai*Na Ruffly RHS

These shoes are probably the only item who's been on my lolita dream list for over half a year. I always tell myself "Next month I'll get them for sure!", but alas... That never happens thanks to other things that always show up.

The first time I saw these shoes I couldn't but to think they were butt-ugly. Especially the ruffles and the fact that they were rocking horse shoes threw me off of the idea of owning anything like this completely. But after a while I realized that I kept checking them out every single time I hit the web and over the months they have really grown on me. Now I realize there is a certain charm to these and they are a perfect fit to a gothic doll look and even certain kinds of casual lolita and kodona! I don't know really know when I will be able to have these in my posession, but one day they will be mine. For now I have only set the deadline that I need to have them before I go to Paris in 2012.

Alice and the Pirates - Dance of the Black Cat JSK

It's a print! This is actually more of a dream print then a dream dress. If I could get my hands on this print I wouldn't care wether it was the skirt, the OP or the JSK. I wouldn't even care which colourway, as long as I had it! But if I could choose from the top shelf I would have loved to have the halter JSK in the black colourway.

When I first saw this I almost felt my heart stop for a second. The print just appeals to me in a way that no other print has before! Not even other music prints have made me want a dress so much as I want this one. The print itself features three of my favorite instruments (piano, violin and french horn) and the style of this JSK is so beautiful.

Even if the print glaringly obvious, the colours of the print is neautral enough so it's possible to dress it up for special occations and even dress it down for a more casual look. And who doesn't love the small cat prints on the piano keys? >w<

Angelic Pretty - Macaron Tartan Riders JSK

So what to say about this? I don't really get why I like it. Actually I can make a list of why I SHOULDN'T like it without problems.
  • Pink and sax. Just the colours!
  • The bows
  • The short skirt
  • The fact that one can't really wear a blouse under it
  • The low waist
But despite all this, I just can't help but to love it. I honestly love it so much I'm planning on getting this as soon as I've reached my weight loss goal as a reward to myself.

Even if I usually hate pastels, with this dress it just works too well. I've tried to imagine this in the usual punk colours with red plaid and black underskirt, but it just doesn't look as good as it does in pink and sax. With this I can't really decide whether I like the pink and sax or pink and mint version best. But one of them will be mine! <3
