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The Fool
With a cronic love for anything "out of the ordinary" I babble on about life's little ups and downs.
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May 30, 2011

postheadericon Appologies and hiatus

Now, this won't be a very long post as I really have so much to do I don't have time to sit around moping as I'm doing at the moment. First of all, I appologize about my unannounced absense. Once again I headed back home to my hometown for a week and to celebrate the national day that was the 17th of May.

The lolita meetup was postponed because of bad weather, so I'll have to wait with going to my first meetup too. But I still went to Oslo with my boyfriend and we had a FABULOUS day! Last monday our japanese group (we have a japanese class with a small group of friends where the teacher is a friend of ours) went to our teacher's home too and had a japanese evening and celebrating spring. We sat by the kotatsu and ate yakisoba and drank sake while we looked out at our teacher's japanese garden... It was so fun and a really great evening!

Other then that... I noticed the 30 Days of Lolita meme is being done everywhere! *laughs* In one way it's really funny how memes spread around the internet like that and at the same time I'm pretty honoured that so many want to do the meme even if they don't know who started it even. It's fun!

Anyway. This is just a small update to announce I will still be on hiatus for at least one more week. Tomorrow I'm starting on my trip to Stockholm (will take about 24 hours with bus and train so I'll be there on wednesday) and I will meet my oldest and closes friend again! On wednesday evening we're going to a video game music concert (can't wait!!) and then we're off to Uppsala and Uppcon for good times with cosplay and friends. Next monday I'm handing in my last exams and after THAT I'll try to become more active again.

Thank you all for being so patient with me.

See you guys!

Oh and as a little bonus I'll add a picture of myself in my bunad (national costume) from our national day. I LOVE this dress <3 Possibly more then I love lolita clothes.


0 squeaks:
